It's Never A Better Time To Go!
0430 705 882

Booking Process

The booking is for groups only. However, individuals can form groups to meet the minimum group sizes if you want to join the tours. Please refer to the detailed itineraries for minimum group size requirements by clicking the TOURS menu. Please read carefully our Booking Conditions before you make the booking. All the details of the tours are on our website. You can also call or email us for any queries.

If there is a group interested in joining the tour, we can come to your church/organisation to address your questions.

Your passport expiry date must be minimum six months after your returning date. You can check the visa requirements through our detailed itineraries. Different countries have different visa requirements, so please check carefully.

Please pay the deposit according to the amounts outlined in the itineraries. Instructions of how to pay deposit are on our on-line Booking Form. Since the deposit is in foreign currencies please use telegraphic transfer via internet banking or over the counter of your bank. This is the easiest and most cost effective way to pay. The reason we require foreign currencies is to avoid price adjustments due to exchange rate fluctuation.

  1. Please go to our website to fill in the Booking Form on-line. After you submit the on-line Booking Form, we will retrieve your details and register these data in the Excel file and email it to you for checking and signing.
  2. Please check the Booking Form, read the Booking Conditions and sign this document.
  3. Please scan the signed Booking Form & Booking Conditions and upload on our website.
  4. Please provide a copy of passport for each person registered in the Booking Form by uploading on our website.
  5. We will email you the invoice stating the deposit received and balance remaining after receiving your deposit and signed Booking Form & Booking Conditions.
  6. The balance of payment should be made at least 60 days prior to the departure. Please pay use telegraphic transfer via internet banking or over the counter of your bank. Or if you feel certain to go ahead with the tour, you can choose to make the full payment when you do the booking.
  7. We will email you the final document after we receive the full payment.

It is strongly recommended to book air tickets as soon as possible due to seat availability. We work with Aus World Travel to arrange the group air ticket bookings and provide competitive pricing to customers. Air ticket pricings are in Australian dollars and not included in the tour pricing. This is a complimentary service from Kairos Link to give customers the convenience. If customers choose to use this group air ticket booking service, you will need to enter a separate contract with Aus World Travel. (Credit card surcharges apply. Fees apply for any changes made after ticket issued.) Customers can choose to arrange the tickets themselves, however due to the complexity of the group ticketing, tickets must be booked at least 150 days before the departure date. All members of the same group should travel on the same day to match the itinerary schedule.

Note: You can download this document on our website.