What is a “must” in a Christian’s life? Surely, there will be numerous answers. Perhaps, the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a common dream.
Long ago, Annie (my wife) and I had this dream. However, we live in Perth and there is rarely any local travel agencies organising this kind of tours. Christians in Perth normally seek help from overseas travel agencies to arrange Pilgrimage tours. Annie and I were also exploring options for our Pilgrimage for a long time.
Finally, the dream came true! In 2017, we arrived in the Holy Land to follow Jesus’ footsteps from His birth, crucifixion to resurrection. It was such a heart-touching journey that turned the written Bible verses into a vivid personal experience. This short journey has strengthened our lifelong faith, therefore, we would love to go back again. Annie wants to stay a lengthy time in the tranquil and picturesque monastery in the Mount of Beatitudes for spiritual revival whilst I want to continue the journey to seek and discover.
Our personal experience reminds us that there must be a lot of people in Perth who are dreaming about this aspiring journey. This also inspired us to establish a travel agency to realise people’s dream.